Our Stories

The Quairading Rainmakers know events

The Quairading Rainmakers know events – and how to bring the wider community together for a fantastic time.  

Jill Hayes chatted to us about what it takes to hold creative, community building events in regional Western Australia…

The Quairading Rainmakers Committee

Jill, Quairading Rainmakers (Inc.) is an inquisitive name… who are the Quairading Rainmakers, and what is their purpose?

We’re a bunch of young (ish) Quairading locals who just want to keep making Quairading an event better place to live and visit. We evolved a few decades back from Rural Youth which Dad tells me once provided lots of social and professional opportunities for young farmers living in the country.

Through the late 90s and 2000s, the Rainmakers committee ran the infamous annual Rainmakers B&S Ball – a wild piece of history if you were lucky enough, and willing enough, to be a part of it. I got to attend the last couple as a young punter before they wound up!

How long have you been involved with Quairading Rainmakers, and what attracted you to be part of this organisation?

I’ve been involved as a member for about the last four years, and on the committee as President for about a year. It doesn’t take much to attract me to become part of an organisation but I was really excited to be a part of both celebrating the past achievements of the organisation while also forging a new direction for us.

The last B&S was held in 2013 and by that point it had become really difficult to put on such a big event. Liquor licensing rules and police requirements were changing, which ultimately led to the committee of the time deciding to pull up stumps on the event. By 2019, our community had a new wave of young people living and working locally – and the organisation structure and bank account still existed – so we jumped in and have slowly been finding a new “big thing” for Rainmakers to put on for our community each year.

Do you think community organisations like the Quairading Rainmakers, and the projects and events they deliver, are important to regional communities? And what do you think these events provide for your community and the region?

I think grass roots organisations are the essence of regional communities. I think the best thing about living in a small regional community is the opportunity to get far more involved that you would in the city. This leads to people being more connected and caring more about where they live, because they get to have a real hand in shaping what that looks and feels like.

These events provide such great opportunities for intergenerational interactions and creating shared community memories that locals can be proud of.

What do you think the future looks like for the Quairading Rainmakers?

I hope we can keep building and growing an annual event that our community looks forward to, and welcomes visitors from far and wide. One that generates both interest and profit so we can support or fund other community development endeavours.

How exciting that your next Rainmakers event Raindance is moments away – March 2023.   Can you give us some sneaky highlights about the day?

Oh, we can’t wait!

The event is a perfect mix of all of our favourite things. Cold drinks, good food, live music and a laid back outdoor atmosphere.

Our town oval is so scenic with the view across to tall salmon gums and paddocks and with a perfect sunset and no summer wind (fingers crossed!) it’s going to be a perfect venue for a few beers on the grass!

I’m most excited to see the stage which will be a truck with drop deck trailer provided by a local transport business, adorned with hay bales and stage lighting!

Finally, Jill, what would your recommendation be to people who are looking to come for an adventure to Quairading and travel along the Pathways to Wave Rock? 

Just get out there and do it, be open to all the experiences that come your way – and always go hunting for the hidden gems!

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